
One of my FaceBook friends inspired me to post my views FOR a candidate rather than against the other. I thought “that’s easy” and replied with “Challenge Accepted”
However, when I started thinking of my response, I kept thinking about the OTHER candidate I’m NOT supporting.  It felt like a virus or disease in my mind with all the negative, rumors, hearsay and so on. With my conviction of my own candidate how could this be 100 times harder than I expected?  I thought it would be good if people went back to Critical Thinking and think: “Why I support #MyCandidate”.  Erase all the negativity, conspiracy theory, media, internet, and facebook…and think…and think some more.  Search for your OWN answers, facts and information.  Ignore ALL thoughts of the other candidate.  Share your views with tag #MyCandidate on Facebook.

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